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The 2020 Cadre Congress Of Tegel Group Was Successfully Held!

Time:2020-10-14    Clicks:14667    Source: Original
The annual autumn breeze is strong, not like the spring light, but better than the spring light.

 On September 28, Tegel Group ushered in the 2020 National Congress of Cadres. The elites of the group gathered in the Hunan National Defense Education Base, looking back on the glorious past, looking forward to a bright future, discussing corporate strategies, and exploring the road to empowerment.

With the global spread of the new crown epidemic, pharmaceutical retail terminals are facing new challenges. As medical improvement enters the deep water area, how to deal with the "double winter" of the market and policies, and how to maintain healthy and sustainable growth in a severe operating environment have become the key to the Group's current development. As a medical practitioner who protects the health of the people, Tegel adheres to the concept of "caring for human health with wisdom". This year, he has risen against the trend, optimized the concept of health services, equipped with the "B2B2C" model, and helped the health industry to flourish. In 2020, Tegel Group will adhere to the high-quality development as the center, coordinate the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and operation management, proactively turn "danger" into "opportunity", continue to consolidate the original business sector, and review the situation to expand new business-US In Enlong's medical device production segment, all operations of the group run smoothly and under control.

The convening of the group cadre representative conference aims to deepen the understanding of the group strategy by middle and high-level management cadres, encourage all Tegel people to roll up their sleeves and work hard, ensure that the strategy is implemented, and empower regional chain pharmacies to achieve business breakthroughs. More than 160 people including Tegel's board of directors, board of supervisors, party committees, leaders of the audit and supervision committee, all cadres of the Tegel Group and above, all employees of the alliance business department and party member representatives attended the meeting.

At the beginning, the meeting was kicked off with the solemn national anthem, and all the participants stood up to sing the national anthem. Under the leadership of the host, all the participants jointly announced the Tegel Group's brand culture, and the conference entered the formal agenda.

In the first three quarters of 2020, the group has accelerated the pace of internal organization team building. A large number of outstanding cadres have grown into an important organizational force for the sustainable development of the group through internal competition, external introduction and systematic training. Mr. Zhong Haibin, director of Tegel Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. and secretary of the Party Working League Committee, read out the appointment documents and enthusiastically encouraged all the cadres present to perform their duties and fulfill the group's trust.

Mr. Zhong Haibin, director of Tegel Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. and secretary of the Party Working League Committee, read out the appointment documents

After reading the appointment documents, Tegel Group’s "Nine Departments and One Heart" cadres took the stage and solemnly pledged their determination to dedicate their lives to Tegel's great health cause. The leaders of the board of directors and the supervisory committee came to power to witness this sacred moment.

Tegel Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. Business Unit President and Henan Region General Manager Peng Long led the business unit to take the oath, the chairman of Tegel China Pharmacy Purchasing Alliance, the chairman of Tegel Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., and Meenlong Medical Mr. Liu Fengsheng, Chairman of the Instrument Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech "Ready to Go, Achieve Together! The second curve-a provider of health solutions in China-the theme report of the 2020 National Cadre Congress of Tegel Group

Chairman Liu Fengsheng said: "2020 is destined to be a year that will be recorded in the annals of history. A sudden epidemic caused all walks of life to press the pause button, the global economic development was stagnant, the job market was severe, and companies closed down. , The industrial chain is broken and the severity of large-scale population unemployment far exceeds expectations. Throughout history, maintaining strategic determination, trending research and judgment, seizing opportunities, and taking advantage of the situation in the crisis is the only way for enterprises to stay in the evergreen place. . In 2020, Tegel Group will always adhere to the construction of the "15-minute Tegel Healthy Life Circle" as the center, and follow the basic line of "product output as the mainstay, management output as the supplement, and health service as the root" to coordinate the promotion of the epidemic. Prevention and control and operation management, proactively turn "danger" into "opportunity", consolidate the main business segment, and develop new business-medical device production segment according to the current situation, and basically realize the stable and controlled operation of each business segment. With the company's transformation and upgrading To continue to advance, we Tegel people must not only keenly grasp the opportunities given to us by the new situation of the times, and be brave to meet new challenges, but also maintain strategic determination, stimulate work potential, and coordinate operations. Only in this way can we jointly create our great Tegel dream."

Chairman Liu reviewed Alliance Pharmaceuticals, Alliance Education, Alliance Healthcare, Alliance Platform and the completion of the Group’s business indicators in the first half of the year, and elaborated on the development plan of the group and the alliance in the next five years. The development strategy of “management output as the supplement and health service as the root” is committed to building a healthy Chinese brand. Continuous efforts will be made from the three major sectors of Tegel Pharmaceutical, Tegel Education, and Tegel Medicine to change the industry with innovation and create the future with service.

In the first half of the year, all business segments of the Group developed steadily. Started the construction of a health service system based on the Internet "B2B2C", optimized the B2B service platform of "Teger Baba Mall"; opened up the blind area of logistics distribution-Tibet, and realized the qualitative leap of logistics distribution in Tibet from scratch; Enlong Medical Devices Co., Ltd. made a grand appearance at the Changsha International Public Health Prevention and Control Exhibition, and established contacts and reached cooperation intentions with partners in Laos, Ethiopia, Afghanistan and other countries... A series of amazing achievements made the Tegel Group another brilliant. Enter a new development milestone. We will go all out in the future!

Amid applause, the morning conference came to an end. In order to cultivate the good team spirit and positive attitude of life of Tegel people, in the afternoon, the Tegel elites attended the quality development project together. This quality expansion is mainly to "hone the will, cultivate sentiment, perfect personality, and smelt the team", aiming to enhance the courage of Tegel people to challenge themselves and the team spirit of sincere cooperation.

After the start of the project, Tegel's family members were fully fired, and they participated in challenging projects vigorously, completing tasks under the leadership of the coach. Whether it is an interactive mini game during warm-up or a challenge project that the team participates in together, every small partner is going all out to provide wisdom and suggestions, wanting to create the team song to shape the team... Practice and persistence again and again, in Three projects were completed within 150 seconds, showing everyone a good Tegel spirit. In the 1200 life power circle, although sweat wets the clothes, the Tegel people are full of fighting spirit, facing difficulties more and more courageously, so the coach can not help but praise them.

Through this outreach training, the Tegel family established a good team consciousness, enhanced the trust and intimacy of the team; surpassed the limits of self, played their potential, and improved their mental and physical qualities.

After an afternoon of training, the participants ushered in a thank-you dinner for the 2020 cadre congress of Tegel Group. At the beginning of the dinner, Ms. Lin Xiaohua, Secretary of the Audit and Supervision Committee of the Board of Directors of Tegel Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. and Assistant to the President, gave a speech to the participants. Mr. Lin summarized and reviewed the group over the past six months, and led everyone to look forward to the future. With the grand blueprint plan, all Tegel people will keep in mind the ardent hope of the leadership, unite in the years to come, continue to make strides forward on the road of building Tegel's healthy China, create new successes and welcome new glory.

Then the multi-talented Tegel family brought wonderful performances, which brought everyone bursts of joy. The atmosphere on the scene was very relaxed and happy, and the leaders and employees gathered together for fun. The family members at the scene toasted and smiled, celebrating and blessing together. 

Tonight's good banquet, joy is hard to tell. So far, the 2020 National Cadre Congress of Tegel Group has successfully concluded. The blueprint has been drawn, the mission is calling, and the time is right to forge ahead. Looking back on the past, we have achieved remarkable results; looking forward to the future, we have opportunities and heavy responsibilities. We carry the heavy responsibility of medical staff, and are determined to fulfill our mission and never forget our original intention; all Tegel people will stand up in adversity, surpass in pursuit, and strive for unremitting courage, innovation and unremitting vigor. Under the tide of the times, we have taken new and solid steps to make unremitting efforts to build the "15-minute Tegel Healthy Life Circle" in an all-round way, and to help people live longer, healthier and happier lives!

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